Eden Performance Review Form – Consultants Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date of Review: *Commission month reviewed:Jan / FebFeb / MarMar / AprApr / MayMay / JuneJune / JulyJuly / AugAug / SeptSept / OctOct / NovNov / DecDec / JanManager's Email: *Employee's Email: *Revenue GenerationHas the 3 month rolling average of £10k been met?YesNoWhat is the rolling average? ** Not including VATWhat is the value of invoices paid in the month reviewed? ** Not including VATIf applicable, what is the value of invoices raised in the month reviewed but not paid within payment terms?If applicable, provide the names of clients who have not paid within payment terms, a breakdown of the amounts owed and a summary of the measures taken to chase the debt for payment: Has the employee met their monthly objective for invoices generated and paid within payment terms?YesNoNew Candidates RegisteredDoes the employee work on a team that has a resourcer? YesNoHow many new candidates did the employee register in the period reviewed? Active Open JobsHow many active open jobs is the consultant working on? Candidates Posted OnlineHas spot check been completed?YesNoAsk employee if they have posted all candidates online and if not provide details of any that have not been posted:General Performance Indicators:Please tick all that are satisfactoryQuality and accuracy of workAttitude / adaptability / cooperationAttendance / punctualityInitiativeCompliance with management instructionsRecord any challenges regarding general performance indicators below:Support, mentoring and training Identify any support, mentoring, training or resources required to ensure success and list these below: *If not applicable write 'none'.Set the next review meeting: *Ensure both Manager and Employee put this in their diaries / calendars.Please enter the email address for the person the manager reports to: *Note: this person will receive a copy of this form.PhoneSubmit