Eden Performance Review Form – Eden Consultant – Maternity Team Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date of Review: *Commission month reviewed:JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecManager's Email: *Employee's Email: *Revenue GenerationTotal Fees Invoiced this month: ** Not including VATThree Month Rolling Average Banked Figure: ** Not including VATGeneral Performance Indicators:Number of Days Absent:* Please use key: H = holiday / S = sickness / O = otherPlease tick all that are satisfactory:Quality and accuracy of workAttitude / adaptability / cooperationAttendance / punctualityInitiativeCompliance with management instructionsRecord reason/s for any General Performance Indicators have not been met:Record any challenges regarding Candidates or Clients below:Manager's comments on performance generally:Any further comments Employee wishes to discuss:Support, Mentoring and TrainingIdentify any support, mentoring, training or resources required to ensure success: *If not applicable write ‘none’.Follow upSet the next review meeting: *Ensure both Manager and Employee put this in their diaries / calendars.MessageSubmit