Eden Performance Review Form – Resourcers Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date of Review: *Commission month reviewed: *Jan / FebFeb / MarMar / AprApr / MayMay / JuneJune / JulyJuly / AugAug / SeptSept / OctOct / NovNov / DecDec / JanManager's Email: *Employee's Email: *New Candidates RegisteredDid the employee register at least 12 new candidates per week? *YesNoHow many new candidates did the employee register in the period reviewed? * How many candidates were registered by actively sourcing?Candidates posted onlineHas spot check been completed? *YesNoAsk employee if they have posted all candidates online and if not provide details of any that have not been posted:General performance indicators:Please tick all that are satisfactory *Quality and accuracy of workAttitude / adaptability / cooperationAttendance / punctualityInitiativeCompliance with management instructionsRecord any challenges regarding general performance indicators below:Support, mentoring and training Identify any support, mentoring, training or resources required to ensure success and list these below: *If not applicable write 'none'.Set the next review meeting: *Ensure both Manager and Employee put this in their diaries / calendars.Please enter the email address for the person the manager reports to: *Note: this person will receive a copy of this form.WebsiteSubmit