Safeguarding Concerns Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date Form Completed:Name of Person Raising Concern/s: *FirstLastName of Person whose conduct gave rise to Concerns Regarding Safeguarding: *FirstLastName of Person Completing This Form: *FirstLastWork Email of Person Completing This Form: *Reason/s For Concerns: Are concern/s raised because of…A single incidentA pattern of conductSome other reasonOn or around what date was the Person Raising Concerns first aware of the Concerns Regarding Safeguarding? Are the Concern/s Regarding Safeguarding:directly related to the employee’s duties or position, orsomething that has arisen peripheral to their employmentDescribe All Incidents said to give rise to the Concerns Regarding Safeguarding:It is essential to include: (i) location of incident/s, (ii) date/s or if specific dates cannot be provided, approximate dates (i.e. on or around [date]), (iii) identify of any witnesses, (iv) exactly what the employee did, or failed to do.Severity and ImpactDid the Incident/s regarding the Concerns Regarding Safeguarding:Cause physical harm, orCause emotional harm, orConstitute a ‘near miss’ in terms of harmDisclose an attitude on behalf of the employee that could cause or contribute to harm Are Actions and If Physical or Emotional Harm was caused, describe the harm that resulted:Actions TakenDid any of the following happen a result of the Incident/s that give rise to a Safeguarding Concern:Internal investigation by employerReport to Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)Report to Police AuthorityDisciplinary Procedure FollowedDismissal of EmployeeLegal Claim against EmployeeReferral to Care Quality CommissionIf 'Yes' give date/s of key events, names of those involved and dates or approximate dates:What is Employer's assessment of the risk posed by the Employee toward vulnerable children or adults:High risk of serious harmMedium risk of serious harmLow risk of serious harmSome risk of harm but not serious harmNo risk of harm but training on standards requiredSubmit